Donate a Car and Support Education
When you decide to donate a car to charity, you may not realize everything that vehicle donation is making possible. In today's post, we want to take a minute to give you a glimpse of a program that is only possible thanks to the generosity of donors like yourself who choose to donate a car rather than sell it.
The "In Recognition of Service" Scholarship program began in the Fall Semester of 2010. Many of us at Activated Ministries have spent years on foreign mission fields and have gone on to provide support to missionaries, pastors and volunteers both in the US and abroad through our work at Activated Ministries. From our experience, we know that one of the things you often sacrifice as a missionary is being able to save up for your children's college education. It's not that you don't want to, but the nature of missionary work is that you are invest your time, efforts and what limited funding you have serving others and helping those who often cannot help themselves or support you in return.
Looking at various ways we could be a help to those giving their lives in service of others, we felt that providing college scholarships to their children who desired a higher education was filling a very necessary need and would make a major difference in the lives of these young people both now and in the years to come.
This program continues to gain momentum and we are happy to report that as of the fall semester of 2012, we have been able to award over 150 scholarships towards the college tuition of qualifying individuals all around the world. Scholarships have gone to individuals seeking degrees in nursing, business administration, early childhood and elementary education, graphic design, leadership and management, Chinese language and culture and criminal justice to name a few. These individuals are studying at universities and colleges in countries all around the world in 20 different countries and counting. Here are a few of the individuals who have been able to pursue their educational dreams as a result of this program.
Rosa in Melbourne, Australia is studying Psychology at Latrobe University. She was awarded a scholarship in the Spring of 2012 and is currently enrolled in a three year Bachelor of Psychological Sciences with hopes to go on to a fourth year Honors program, and ultimately a Masters or Doctorate in Psychology. She says, "Studying psychology should provide me with the tools required to effectively perform the duties involved in aiding young people – including children – with their personal challenges. Your scholarship will aid me in getting my Psychology degree, and provide support for many in the future. This scholarship reminds me that what goes around comes around, and I will continue to reap dividends from my large investment in volunteer work. May God bless you for representing His care."
Elias, in New York, New York is studying Writing and Filmmaking at CUNY – Hunter College Manhattan. He was awarded an IROS scholarship in Spring 2012.
He says, "This note of gratitude and appreciation to the In Recognition of Service Scholarship just barely scratches the surface of how truly thankful I am for this opportunity to continue on with my studies this semester. I carry a full-time college schedule and although I have a decent part time job, I can’t cover the additional cost of my tuition. On top of that, school tuition fees have increased this past year and some of the important classes required for my degree are expensive, without the IROS scholarship, taking these classes would not even have been possible.
Writing and filmmaking became my passion during years of growing up as a missionary with my parents. I lived in Africa and parts of Europe, where I got to travel often to work on humanitarian projects. Along the way, my dad’s team would make documentary films chronicling those projects; showing friends and supporters the work that was being done in remote areas. Through helping with those filming projects I discovered the power and impact that films and documentaries have. A vision and goal began in my life at that time, to study and pursue writing and making films that would impact others. With the generous help and support of the IROS scholarship, I have that opportunity to achieve what was once only my dream. I know it takes a lot of perseverance and hard work, but it also takes the support and encouragement of others, like the IROS team. I can’t say ‘thank you’ enough! Your help this semester has been invaluable and enabled me to continue to carry a full load and stay on course towards my target."
Angela in Joplin, Missouri is studying Nursing at Crowder College. She was awarded a scholarship in Spring of 2012. She says, " Thank you so much, Activated Ministries, for awarding me the IROS scholarship for 2012. Your assistance really helped to ease the financial burden of my tuition and, because of the time that I was able to dedicate to my studies, I have been able to satisfy the criteria for applying to nursing school while maintaining my GPA. This has been a source of great encouragement as I finish my last prerequisites and apply for the Nursing Program in this upcoming year.
It is so incredible to see my dream take shape and I am so excited to enter into this new stage of my studies. I feel so fortunate to have the opportunities to gain the education and certification required to help others in a medical capacity, opportunities which were due in large part to your assistance. You have my sincerest admiration for your scholarship program which touches people's lives in such a powerful way and I am praying for your ministry."
Maria in Austin, Texas is studying Biology at the University of Texas at Austin. She is pursuing a career in medicine and hopes to eventually become a doctor. She received a scholarship for her spring semester in 2012.
She says, "I wanted to say a huge thank you to Activated Ministries for the scholarship. I just found out that my financial aid for the coming semesters has been lessened so this is a lifesaver. Since I am a working student, putting myself through college, every dollar towards my tuition helps push me further towards my dream of becoming a doctor. Working towards this envelops my current daily life, gives me motivation to keep up with work and school deadlines, and gives me an energy that I know stems from the knowledge that I’m working towards something greater. Being able to help people in such a practical way, being privy to people's darkest moments and happiest days will I'm sure provide me opportunities to not only be of help practically but also give me opportunities to share my faith with those around me. I appreciate so much the willingness of Activated Ministries to support former missionaries and the children of former missionaries in working towards an education. Thank you!"
These are just 4 of the 150 scholarships which have been awarded to date. The "IROS" scholarship program is funded by the generosity of donors like yourself who decide to donate cars to charity.
Remember, that all car donations made to a 501(c)(3) charity like Activated Ministries not only support life changing programs like this one, they also entitle you to a car donation tax deduction. To read more about this program and a little about those who are receiving the scholarships. From all the recipients of the In Recognition of Service Scholarship Program, thank you for making the choice to donate a car to charity. those God bless you!